Travelling Hopefully

3 days in Northumberland

Back in January I made a spontaneous decision to travel back to England in April. It was mainly to do with my home town football team running away with the National League and my visit was timed to co-incide with their last game of the season. However once the dates were set the decision was where to go in the time that I had. One decision was a no brainer!!- I’ve wanted to go back to the Northumberland Coast for a long time and I had 3 days where I could make this happen. Here’s a little insight into my mini photo expedition.

The Northumberland Coast

With 6 potential sunrises and sunsets over my 3 days I hoped to photograph various locations along the coast – 3 castles Dunstanburgh / Bamburgh / Lindisfarne were top of my list along with a visit to the puffins out on the Farne islands. I found a really nice airbnb near Bamburgh and started crossing my fingers that the weather would play nice. English weather is unpredictable at the best of times but in April it can really be all over the shop! All I needed was a couple of hours at each end of the day with about 50% cloud base!!!!! Too much to ask?

Whilst I’m mentioning Airbnb, Ian and his wife Sharon were my hosts and they couldn’t have been lovelier, in case you are heading that way any time soon here’s a link, I’d highly recommend their place

Daybreak at Bamburgh Castle


There’s been a fortification at Bamburgh since the year 400 or thereabouts, being occupied in turn by Celtic Britons, Anglo Saxons and Vikings before becoming a permanent structure when the Normans invaded. It’s now a large castle that dominates the landscape for miles around and is a really alluring location, windswept, surrounded by sand-dunes, its easy to image medieval defenders standing on the ramparts looking out over the North Sea. Over the course of the three days I spent the most time at Bamburgh, I was lucky enough to be able to shoot during the hours of 2 sunrises and one sunset, none were absolutely outstanding but all were different. Photogenic – definitely!

To get to Bamburgh I’d travelled for over 24 hours without sleep but it seemed criminal to waste my first opportunity to see the beach and figure out my plan for the following morning’s sunrise. All I can say is wow what an evening and I’m so glad I pushed myself a little further. The blue sky picture below is how it began and the rainbow how it ended, but in-between as the storm clouds blew in the light was just intense!

Welcome home!!!!!! The unpredictable English weather fully illustrated over the course of about 2 hours.

All the blues
Storm clouds gather over Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland
Storm Clouds Gather
Rainbow at Bamburgh Castle
After the storm comes the Rainbow

The following morning conditions couldn’t have been more different. As I left my car and heading onto the beach it was noticeably calmer than 9 hours earlier, but unfortunately, there wasn’t enough cloud left over to make much interesting color in the sky. I set about finding foreground to compensate and headed over towards the waves and the large wetter areas left by the receding tide. After I’d been on the beach for about 20 mins another photographer turned up and we must have a similar eye as we ended up competing for similar tripod positions as the time of actual sunrise approached – either that or he was copying me!!

Early morning light with the silhouette of Bamburgh Castle in the Distance, Northumberland, UK
Golden Hour starts to encroach on blue hour – Dawn at Bamburgh Castle
Low tide and silhouettes as dawn breaks at Bamburgh Castle
Low tide and silhouettes as dawn breaks at Bamburgh Castle

On my last morning in Northumberland I decided to head to the beach at Bamburgh for one last time. It was very windy and there was way too much cloud to the east, it would have been easier to stay in bed. – But when would I get the chance to spend some time here again? This morning I found 2 minibuses parked in the little parking area and the area swarming with about 20 photographers seemingly on a workshop and working in the approximate area that I wanted to cover …. I don’t like to share my sunrises with crowds so ended up pottering about in the tide pools waiting to see if the immense bank of clouds would yield much colour.

Reflections on a cloudy morning at Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, UK

As a footnote Bamburgh has also given me a chance to resurrect a technique that I’ve been playing with. Its officially called the Adamski effect – have a look below and let me know what you think between the original and the edited

Morning Blues, Low Tide at Bamburgh


Dunstanburgh Castle is one of the most atmospheric and inspiring castles in England, it was built in the second decade of the 14th century by Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, who was later executed for his role in the barons’ rebellion against Edward II. It then became a Lancastrian stronghold in the Wars of the Roses, falling into disrepair at the end of the Middle Ages. I would have loved to spend more time here with a more favourable light. I’d miscalculated to be honest, I thought the sun would set closer to the castle affording a bit more drama with a bit of decent backlight. Photography from the beach on the north side of the castle also yields some smashing shots, but unfortunately I didn’t have the time to even attempt that – ah well, great excuse to go back I guess. As it was I ended up having one really enjoyable evening watching the waves, chasing the light and wandering the shoreline at Dunstanburgh.

Dunstanburgh Castle in Northumberland, UK
Big waves and dramatic ruins
The ruins of Dunstanburgh Castle Silhouetted against a late evening sky
Late in the day
The ruins of Dunstanburgh Castle Silhouetted against a late evening sky
As evening falls


Lindisfarne is a tidal island to the north of Bamburgh, also know as Holy Island. It has a recorded history from the 6th century AD and was an important centre of Celtic Christianity under Saints AidanCuthbertEadfrith, and Eadberht of Lindisfarne. The island was originally home to a monastery, which was destroyed during the Viking invasions but re-established as a priory following the Norman Conquest of England. My 3 days in Northumberland wouldn’t have been nearly enough to explore the photographic options on the island! As it was I had one evening and while I got very lucky with the light I’d love to be able to go back and really explore.

Golden Light during an April sunset at Lindisfarne Castle, Northumberland, UK
Golden Light at Lindisfarne Castle

Thank you for reading this little insight into my whirlwind tour of Northumberland, It was so nice to have the time to myself where I could think of nothing else except the weather and my photography. Having reflected through the imagery I’d really love to come back again and spend more time exploring the area, it’s an absolute gem, I’d love to hear your thoughts so please feel free to comment

If you like my work you can subscribe for future posts or visit my website where you can purchase my work. Better still come to Pawling, New York where you can see my work in person at LAND Gallery

8 responses to “Travelling Hopefully”

  1. Simply magnificent!!!

  2. Outstanding work as usual, Jane. Bravo! 

    ________________________________________Sent from my smart phone. Please forgive not so smart typing and brevity. 

    1. Thank you so much for checking out the post and your kind words 🙂

  3. Jane, This is a lovely, wonderful, superb story with your photos that surpass

    beautiful and transfixing!!! Thank you for your eye and pen!

    With affection & respect (I’ll stop by and maybe bring you a cup of coffee

    if you like that variety of drink/or tea?)


    1. Thank you so much Robin for taking the time to read and comment – much appreciated. I’d love a coffee with you – both if possible – when I’m back in Pawling in May

      1. rl1709ed7deb50bd Avatar

        You’re on! In the meantime, did you know where Lucy Bronze lived as a wee child–highly unusual site for a future international football star!

      2. Hi Robin, great! yes I seem to remember she was from the Bamburgh / Lindisfarne area …..

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