hudson valley Mountain Lion

The sun rises over Bear Mountain and illuminates freshly fallen snow in Butter Hill
The sun rises over route 9w to illuminate the freshly fallen snow on Butter Hill

So a few days ago Winter arrived again, in the form of another weird snowstorm. At home we received upwards of 10” yet just a few miles further north, and definitely in the Catskills they got nothing. Climate change, go figure!

Anyway fresh snow means playtime and my first hope was for the storm to clear out in time for Sunset. In the end the clouds cleared away quickly and I did manage an hour tramping about in a local park where I’ve had my eye on a lonely tree for a while now.

Sunset colors at Boyce Park, Wingdale, NY.
Sunstar. 24mm / f16 / 1/60th /iso 125

For the Sunstar it was just a case of being in the right place at the right time, after seeing that the sun was visible through the tree’s foliage all I needed to do was find an angle that I liked and choose a small aperture.

Route 9w winding over storm king mountain in ny

12 hours later and I’m parked at a trailhead next to the Storm King Highway and hoping for a nice Hudson Valley sunrise. I decided that it would be best to head south of my home to get the best of the snowfall and as Butter Hill has nice south / eastward facing views it could be a good choice. Also the scramble, in the dark, up to the ledges isn’t too bad neither. The forecast was for a decent amount of cloud and with a freshly fallen foot of snow the color could be pretty nice.

I had to break trail up onto Butter hill and it took me a bit longer to scramble to any sort of view than I expected. However I did manage to find this foreground in time for another sunstar. It’s not a great shot, but a moment not to be missed as the golden hour glow starts to illuminate the snowscape

The sun rises over Bear Mountain and illuminates freshly fallen snow in Butter Hill

It turned out to be a glorious morning to be on the trail. I was thrilled to be the first on the mountain after the snowstorm and as the morning turned into a beautiful blue sky day I loved the opportunity to see a familiar trail in unfamiliar guise.

Freshly fallen snow covers a rocky outcrop high above the Hudson River

I hiked on to Storm King to spend the morning in the Winter and on my way came across this little vignette. I would have much preferred to have seen this view during golden hour as the glow in the snow could have been spectacular. Even so it was a still a bit of a wow moment if only for the way the snow clung to the rock face, creating the profile of a sleeping lion…. can you see it??

Who says there are no mountain lions in New York??

Anyway thank you so much for reading this far, blogging is new to me and words don’t always come easily, however I hope the photos make up for it and you are able to understand a little more as to why I take the photos that I do. Please feel free to subscribe for future posts or visit my website where you can purchase my work

The light of Winter is the poetry of patience

11 responses to “hudson valley Mountain Lion”

  1. Jane, these are spectacular! …And yes, I can see the mountain lion!

    1. Thank you for commenting Susan and for reading …. All the best

  2. I think your ‘blog’ is great. Gave me a far better appreciation of the immense effort you go to, to capture these wonderful photos.

  3. Robert Horsfield Avatar
    Robert Horsfield

    Hi Jane
    Good to hear from you and loving the photos….hope the gallery is going well and you are both okay and enjoying the country life?
    Now we are in Wales permanently I really can’t say there is much I miss about Oxford…such a shame Dad doesn’t share the same sentiments!!
    Lots of love
    Rob x

    Sent from my iPhone

    1. Hey Rob, great to hear from you …. I get it but your dad is settled in Oxford I guess…. I’ll be in England and hope to see him in April

  4. Robert Horsfield Avatar
    Robert Horsfield

    Sent from my iPhone

  5. Yes, the Mountain Lion is perfect, especially the long nose and nostril. The eye solidifies the profile. Nice work, seems like it was one of those magical times when nothing else intruded. The entire series is very resonant with considered and spontaneous perceptions. The images place me right into winter shooting mode, thank you for getting out there and sharing these beautiful works!

    1. Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment, really appreciated. It really was a magical morning, I’m glad you picked that up – all the best

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